You'll Have To Do Better Than That

Those caring souls at Indmedia are trying to intimidate bloggers they don't like - including me. Do I feel threatened? No, not really.

But I sure feel sorry for that other Stephen Green who lives in Rancho Cucamonga, California. I wonder how many idiots will show up on his lawn this weekend, and if his town has a (ahem) liberal "Make My Day" law.

Also according to Indymedia, my Denver buddy Jeff Goldstein lives somewhere in Montana. You'd think they could at least get the state right. Here's a hint, fellas: Jeff and I both live in Colorado. I guess all those Red States look alike to them.

Our "reality based thinkers" are looking more and more like brownshirts in clown shoes.

Several years back, I did some back-of-the-envelope calculations on how many solar panels it would take to replicate a single nuclear plant. I assumed an orbiting platform using panels equivalent to the ones on the International Space Station, and 100% collection and transmission efficiency--even though the latter is physically impossible.

Bear in mind, terrestrial solar plants would receive far less energy than any orbiting platform, you're getting into Monty-Python-very-silly territory by suggesting that the current state of solar technology is anywhere near capable of providing electrical power at any reasonable scale. I'm not saying they can't be improved, or that it isn't worth doing research on better collection methods, but right now, counting on solar power is as crazy as deciding to pave over Georgia... or orbit New Jersey.